Tuesday, April 26, 2011

21 Best Thesis WordPress Theme Tutorials For Newbies

The Thesis Theme for WordPress is a premium template system designed to serve as the rock-solid foundation beneath any kind of website.
It has a remarkably efficient HTML + CSS + PHP framework and easy-to-use controls that you can use to fine-tune each and every page of your site with a tactical precision that has never been possible before.
I think Thesis is the best known framework which is popular mostly because of its great Search Engine Optimization capability and lots of features available for custom designing.
Thesis WordPress framework is for those who really care about generating traffic from search engines, easy customization without coding knowledge, simple to use and a community always ready to help when you have questions.
Sometimes it is difficult for newbies to get started with the Thesis theme. But you don’t have to worry, internet is full of resources. That’s the reason, we have researched deeply and compiled a list of best tutorials available on the internet for thesis newbies.
So, have a look on NetFandu’s compilation of 21 Best Thesis Theme Tutorials for newbies.

First, let’s get started with Installation and Opmization of Thesis Theme

1) Installing Thesis for the first time : This is the guide to provide all necessary information and steps showed by the visuals to install Thesis theme for the first time.

2) How to Install Thesis Theme for the first time : This is a video tutorial to get you educate about installation of Thesis theme for the first time.

3) Thesis Tutorial | SEO for everyone : This guide will help you to optimize your blogs for search engines.

4) Restore Thesis to Default Settings : A simple guide to show how to reset your thesis options to default.

Now, let’s know some Thesis Hooks, Filters and Custom CSS

5) Thesis Hooks 101: An Introduction to Thesis Hooks : After Thesis installations, its time to start customization of Thesis theme. So, you need to know Thesis Hooks firstly. And this tutorial is perfect to know about Thesis Hooks for the first timers.

6) Thesis Hook Reference List : This list is a compilation of all available hooks from DIYthemes. Very important for every beginner who started working in Thesis theme.

7) Thesis Tutorial – Hook for Dummies : For newbies to take a close look on Thesis hooks.

8 ) Thesis Filter Reference List : This list is a compilation of all available filters from DIYthemes.

9) Customize Thesis with Filters : This guide from DIYthemes will help to know about how to customize your Thesis theme with filters.

10) Customize Thesis with CSS : Know how to customize CSS in thesis.

11) Introduction to Custom CSS in Thesis : A video and some tutorials will help you know more about customizing CSS in Thesis.

12) Add Custom Backgrounds : In the following tutorial, you’re going to learn about the code that makes to add custom backgrounds in your installed Thesis theme.

Let’s get started with designing of Thesis Theme

13) 10 Useful Answers to Common Thesis Questions : Another one from the art of blog where you will find great how-to’s and other tutorials.

14) Clickable Logo in Header : One of the most common modifications to the Thesis theme is replacing the header text with your own custom logo or image. This tutorial will guide you to place clickable custom logo in header.

15) How to Add Your Custom Banner Image to the Thesis Theme Header – CSS Version : Now learn to monetize your blog after adding logo in header.

17) Customize Thesis – Creating Useful 404 Pages : If you have broken links on your website, this is a must to learn tutorial.

18) How To Make a jQuery Image Slideshow in Thesis : Making a jQuery image slideshow in Thesis is actually very easy. This tutorial will show how to make a jQuery image slideshow.

19) How to Make a Cool Social Media Box for Thesis : This tutorial will show how to add your social media profiles links in the end of every article.

20) How to Add a Carousel to Your Thesis Blog : You must have seen images with captions,we called it as  Carousel. In this tutorial, how to add a carousel to your Thesis Blog.

21) Thesis Theme User’s Guide : More than 100 tutorials to customize your Thesis theme from DIYthemes.